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第29章 谈怕死(2 / 2)

rs hence, in the reign of I cannot whom?

2. And the that we dread is, after a short fretful, feverish , after vain hopes, and idle fears, to to final repose again, and forget the troubled of life!

1. 摆脱死亡恐惧的最佳疗法是思考生命的开始与终结。

2. 死亡就像我们的出生。

3. 我们最怕的是经过瞬间的狂热,徒劳的希望,没有缘由的恐惧,又沉浸到熟睡状态,而忘记生命中困绕我们的梦想!

1. We had lain perdu all this while, snug out of harm’s way.

all this while:这阵子

2. ...at peace and free from care...

free from:免于;解放;使摆脱

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